

Oliver Hong


Fall 1989


Luck, Hopes, Dreams, Organic Material


Game Designer, Writer, Fabricator, Game Developer


Game Design, Writing, 3D Printing, Laser Cutting, Unity, C# Programming

Featured in:

NYU Game Center MFA Program (Class of 2019)

Current Location:

Brooklyn, NY


“I can do that?” — An Artist Statement

My favorite part of making a game is watching people play it and go, “I can do that?”

Whenever you ask, “I can do that?” it’s a joyous discovery. It’s finding something in the space of the game that calls upon you to act upon it;  to change the world in some way you didn’t think of before. 

It’s so easy to feel that you can’t do anything about the big problems that plague the world right now. I want to create spaces where people feel empowered, where everyone feels like they can do something about their situation. The rules and mechanics I create for games encourage people to take direct action; to test the limits of the rules put in place.

I want people in my games to feel like they can ask questions, that they can make mistakes.

I want to tell them, “Yes, you can.”